Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Paris Hilton's bogus guru exposed!

Paris Hilton’s bogus guru exposed!Paris Hilton spent a part of her weekend with a bearded guru, attired in saffron robes with his long flowing graying hair left open, supposedly a Buddhist monk. However, it is unlikely the guru left the hotel heiress enlightened…

The 27-year-old celebutante, also a talent deficit aspiring actress, model and singer, accompanied her guru to Bodhi Tree Bookstore in L.A. Later they were seen at Urth Caffe where, on instructions from her guru, Hilton gifted a huge diamond necklace to a random stranger. It now turns out that Hilton's guru is actually a Hollywood actor named Maxie Santillan and in all probabilities they were playing to the gallery. Maxie has starred in films and TV shows including My Name is Earl and Pirates of the Caribbean, reports TMZ. Of course, being an actor does not disqualify him from being Hilton's spiritual guide. Indeed, going by his profile on MySpace, he maybe eminently qualified for the job.

The profile states, "Burbank can kiss my a**."

Not the usual kind of Buddhist monk, you could say!

Source: News.Sawf

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